Dr. Darin Ingels

Cindy Kennedy, FNP, is joined by Dr. Darin Ingels, who discusses why the immune system becomes confused and begins making inappropriate auto-antibodies. Although there may be many causes, the impact of Lyme Disease and antibiotics may have a direct association with auto-immunity.

Dr. Ingels is a respected leader in natural medicine with numerous publications, international lectures and almost 30 years experience in the healthcare field. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in medical technology from Purdue University and his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle.

Dr. Ingels completed a residency program at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health. He has been published extensively and is the author of The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Auto-Immune Response and Beat Lyme Disease (Avery, 2018), which covers an integrative, natural approach to the treatment and management of Lyme disease.

Dr. Ingels’ practice focuses on environmental medicine with special emphasis on chronic immune dysfunction, including autism, Lyme disease, allergies, asthma, PANDAS, recurrent or persistent infections and other genetic or acquired immune problems. His practice is comprised of both children and adults. He uses diet, nutrients, herbs, homeopathy and immunotherapy to help his patients achieve better health.

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